The Court held a Final Approval hearing on September 21, 2023, and granted Final Approval of the Settlement. You gave up your right to sue TURSS in a class action for claims relating in any way to:
1) TURSS’s alleged failure to report up to date Landlord-Tenant Records; or
2) TURSS’s reporting of multiple Landlord-Tenant Report items that pertain to a single landlord-tenant court proceeding; or
3) TURSS’s alleged mis-attribution of a Criminal Record to a person to whom it did not belong.
This is called “releasing” your claims. You will keep your right to file an individual lawsuit for damages. TURSS will have the right to deny it is responsible for damages.
More details are explained in the Settlement Agreement.
You could not have opt-outed of the Policy Settlement. The Court’s decisions in this case will apply to you even if you objected to the Settlement or have any other claim, lawsuit, or proceeding pending against TURSS relating to the same claims. If you have any questions about the release, visit the Settlement website for more information or consult with a lawyer. (See FAQ 11).