You are a member of the Money Settlement Class in this case if you meet the criteria for one or more of the following Class Groups:
Age Mismatch Group. Between November 7, 2016 and January 1, 2022, TURSS reported a Criminal Record about you to a third party that did not belong to you, even though TURSS had age information that indicated the offender was older than you were at the time of the report based on your date of birth.
State Criminal Group. Between May 14, 2019 and January 1, 2022, TURSS provided a report to a third party about you which contained at least one Criminal Record from a jurisdiction in California, Florida, Texas, or Utah, and did not contain a date of birth, Social Security Number, or street address associated with the Criminal Record.
State Eviction Group. Between May 14, 2019 and January 1, 2022, TURSS reported a Landlord-Tenant Record from any jurisdiction in Virginia or Pennsylvania to a third party that did not report a satisfaction, appeal, vacatur, dismissal, withdrawal, or other favorable disposition of such record that was recorded in the jurisdiction’s public docket at least 60 days prior to the date of TURSS’s Landlord-Tenant Record report.
Eviction Disputes Group. Between May 14, 2019 and January 1, 2022, TURSS received a dispute from you related to TURSS’s reporting of a Landlord-Tenant Record that TURSS categorized as “action date dispute,” “case type/outcome dispute,” “judgment amount dispute,” or “other” and where the resolution was categorized as “data modified,” “data removed,” “data suppressed,” or “no record available.”
Criminal Disputes Group. Between May 14, 2019 and January 1, 2022, TURSS received a dispute from you related to TURSS’s reporting of a Criminal Record that TURSS categorized as “record does not match,” and where the resolution was categorized as “data suppressed.”
If you are a member of the Money Settlement Class, you are also a member of the Policy Settlement Class, which includes all individuals in the United States about whom TURSS reported or reports a Criminal Record and/or Landlord-Tenant Record to a third party from November 7, 2016 through the Injunctive Relief Termination Date, which will be two years from the date on which the agreed policy changes are fully implemented. More information regarding the Policy Settlement is located under the Rule 23(b)(2) Settlement page of the Settlement website.
A Court authorized the notice to inform you about the Settlement and your rights. The Court granted Final Approval to the Settlement on October 3, 2023. More details about the Settlement are available in a longer document called the Settlement Agreement.
The lawsuit is known as In re: TransUnion Rental Screening Solutions, Inc. FCRA Litigation, No. 1:20-md-02933-JPB. Judge J.P. Boulee of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia is overseeing the case. The people who sued are called “Plaintiffs;” the company that they sued, TransUnion Rental Screening Solutions, Inc. or TURSS, is called “Defendant.”